劉 研究室 ようこそ! Welcome to the Multimedia Networking Lab!
劉志 准教授
電気通信大学 情報・ネットワーク工学専攻
〒182-8585 東京都調布市調布ヶ丘1-5-1 東2号館611室
Tel: 042-443-5670
E-Mail: liuzhi[at-mark]uec.ac.jp
([at-mark] TO @)
I have been serving or have seved as Editor for IEEE Network, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, and Wireless Networks. I have been serving or have seved as guest editor for IEEE Wireless Communications and IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
I have been serving as area chair of ACM MM24, area chair of IEEE ICME23, symbosium chair of IEEE Globecom23, TPC co-chair of IEEE Infocom23 NG-OPERA workshop, General co-chair of IEEE ICC23 DDINS workshop, Workshop co-chair of IEEE HPSR22, TPC co-chair of IEEE ICC22 DDINS workshop, Track co-chair of IEEE VTC 2021, TPC co-chair of ICT-DM2021, Poster and demo session co-chair of IEEE MSN2020, etc.
I am the receipt of the IEEE Comsoc TCBD (Technical Committee on Big Data) Outstanding Mid-Career Achievement Award 2024, IEEE Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award 2024, IPSJ/IEEE Computer Society Young Computer Researcher Award, IEEE ComSoc MMTC (Multimedia Communications Technical Committee) outstanding young researcher award and IEICE young researcher award. I have received best paper awards from several IEEE conferences.
映像システムの視聴する角度を予測する方法:VRなど没入型映像システムにおいて、視聴する角度を予測するは非常に重要です. これにより、未視聴の映像部分の送信を回避することができます.サーバーはま
た、ユーザーが見たい部分の高画質映像を送信することができます。このために, 深層ニューラルネットワークを使って、過去の視聴ログなどを活用して、ユーザの将来の視聴する角度を予測する方法を取り組んでいま
に, 深層強化学習や他のAI技術と最適化理論を使用し、効率的な映像ストリーミングに向けて、新しい映像伝送方法を取り組んでいます。
このために, ネットワークに損失が存在する場合における映像の有効な伝送方法を取り組んでいます。
Kaixuan Long, Ying Cui, Chengcheng Ye, Zhi Liu, ”Optimal Wireless Streaming of Multi-Quality Tiled 360 VR Video by Exploiting Natural, Relative
enabled and Transcoding-enabled Multicast Opportunities”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, in press
Zhi Liu, Jie Li, Xianfu Chen, Celimuge Wu, Susumu Ishihara, Yusheng Ji, Jie Li, ”Fuzzy Logic-based Adaptive Point Cloud Video Streaming,”IEEE Open
Journal of the Computer Society, vol. 1, pp. 121-130, 2020
Jie Li, Ransheng Feng, Zhi Liu, Wei Sun, Qiyue Li, ”QoE-driven Coupled Uplink and Downlink Rate Adaptation for 360-degree Video Live Streaming", IEEE
Communications Letter, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 863-867, April 2020.
Celimuge Wu, Zhi Liu, Fuqiang Liu, Tsutomu Yoshinaga, Yusheng Ji, Jie Li, ”Collaborative Learning of Communication Routes in Edge-enabled
Vehicular Environment,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, in press
Wei Xu, Yuzhuo Wei, Ying Cui, Zhi Liu, ”Optimal Multi-view Video Transmission in Multiuser Wireless Networks by Exploiting Natural and View
Enabled Multicast Opportunities”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 1494-1507, March 2020.